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Friday, August 16, 2013

Marijuana Law

Unemployment, re-employment, mentors, start-ups, marijuana.  All subjects that have preoccupied the collective mind of the internet in one way or another...Don't believe me? Here's a recent article on marijuana and the problems it can cause.  It's titled: "Lawyers Debate Best Ways To Sell Marijuana--No Joke."

After reading a few articles about marijuana state legalization and a completely unrelated article about what you ought to give back to the people who are sacrificing their time to mentor you, well, let's just say I thought there might be a joke somewhere in between the two topics.

So I tried to write a comedy, a script based on the idea of following a white-collar, recently long-term unemployed man who decides to open up his own business. His product? Pot. The first step of his plan? Get a mentor of course.

How did that work out? Not well. There's probably quite a bit of fun in all of the 86 pages of the script, but the story isn't there. Not the one I described above anyway...

Curious for a title? Here it is.

Oh, well...on with the next project. If you're interested in reading the script anyway you can do so here.

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